
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nerd moment #248: A Little Out of Character While Being In Character

It started with a simple conversation over a Chinese buffet dinner a few months ago. And ended with this:


Oh yeah. That conversation went there.

A couple of my friends are pretty big Anime and video game fans, and while I’ve seen a few Animes, I barely know any of the ones they talk about. I’m not that big of a fan. However, I’m all about video games. So while eating dinner with the two of them one evening a few months back, they were discussing a convention that Colorado has every year dedicated to both Anime fans and gamers alike. It’s called NDK, and one of my friends goes every year. I just so happened to be there while he was trying to convince my other friend that he needed to go with him this year, and let’s just say I ended up in the crossfire.

Now, I’ve never been to NDK, Wasabicon, Comicon, or any other crazy conventions that come to town, though I’ve always wanted to go to Comicon. I love comics, I love video games, and I love costumes, but I just never seemed to combine them. Until now.

After convincing me that I should go and try it out with them, we decided that I had to go big and dress up for NDK. It’s not required, but that’s half the fun. People dedicate mass amounts of time and money towards making a costume to resemble their favorite character, and I’ve never made a costume before, so I figured it was time to go for it. After much deliberation, I settled on Yuna from the game Final Fantasy X-2 (even though Final Fantasy X was a much better game…).

It’s so difficult to go solely based off screenshots and pictures in order to determine detail in someone’s costume. That, plus I’ve never even attempted anything like this before, plus I had no sewing machine. So I set off, with help from one of the aforementioned friends and enlisting my mom (much better seamstress than I), we slowly but surely HAND-SEWED something that actually wasn’t half bad compared to the character.


It was so interesting to see everyone dressed up and displaying all their hard work and effort. Like I said before, I’ve never done anything like this, the costume or the convention, and while it’s up in the air whether I’ll do it again, I commend those who find a lot of happiness and passion in it. I was basically in it purely just to dress up, but I respect those who wait all year for the convention to come to town so they can see the latest in Anime, games, and meet others with the same interests. I just loved watching all types of people roaming around the hotel, and I gotta say, I loved the attention I got for my costumre, too. All kinds of people kept coming up to my friend (dressed as an amazing Link from the Legend of Zelda games) and I, asking to take a picture or asking for hugs. Definitely an interesting experience.

Here’s some of the awesome people I got to meet and take pictures of:


Hello Kitty Samurai. No, it doesn’t make sense. No, you really don’t ask questions at these events.


My friend (on the right) and another of the many Links running around NDK.




Most of the Final Fantasy characters.


Sailor Moon characters.


Tidus and I. For those who don’t know, Tidus is the main character in Final Fantasy X, and my character is the main one in X-2. Boy meets girl, girl has to die in order to save world, boy tries to save girl, boy is actually from 1000 years in the past so boy must return home in the end, girl seeks out boy in the second game.


My buddy Link facing a Beer Knight. His armor is made entirely of Dos Equis cans. ‘Nuff said.


Chain “Link” fence. Get it?

And for no reason, here's a Storm Trooper on vacation.

Overall, the experience was interesting, to say the least. I’m actually really glad I went and took the time to make a costume for it. And while there were so many more people and pictures and whatnot, my blog can only handle so much nerd right now. It might be ready to explode.

Have you ever been to Comicon or any convention like it? Have you ever dressed up as an animated character? What have you done recently that was a little out of character for you?

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