
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Allow me to introduce myself…

Okay, so my first post was not exactly what I wanted to write about to start with, but it had to be done. This one is a more proper introduction to me, my blog, and what we’re about. So as a “welcome to the blogging neighborhood” type of deal, I’m going to revert back to the long forgotten days of….forwarded emails. Oh yes, annoying blast from the past happens NOW!

So I don’t know about you guys, but I used to love doing those surveys you would get from your friends that had questions you would answer, then send to someone else so they could change the answers and send it along. Not the best way to get to know someone, but through the internet world, it’s what we have to work with. So here, ladies and gents, are my survey answers. Allow me to introduce myself:

Name: Megan

 What time did you get up this morning? 8:00

What was the last movie you saw in a theater? Ted. Freakin’ hilarious and so raunchy.

Favorite TV show?  I don’t generally watch too much TV, but I’m a fan of Archer and Taboo. I get stuck on National Geographic a lot…

What food do you dislike? Liver

What kind of car do you drive? Honda Civic SI and a Kawasaki Ninja

Favorite sandwich? I’m sorry…what? Favorite sandwich? Who chooses that as a legit question? I don’t recall singling out one particular sandwich and playing favorites. I’m anti-sandwich discrimination. But sure, grilled cheese is awesome.

What characteristics do you despise?  Okay, to be honest I left this question on here because the person who filled it out before said “dishonesty, anything resembling George Bush.” Nice.

If you could go anywhere in the world, on vacation, where would you go?  This is tough because I want to go too many places. I’ve never been out of the U.S. I’ve been to Tijuana, but we all know that doesn’t really count…

Favorite sport to watch?  MMA fighting. Or hockey. Call it my inner violent spirit.

When is your birthday?  April 17

Are you a morning person or a night person?  I deal with insomnia, so I’m more of a night person because I just can’t sleep.

What is your shoe size?  I’ll let you know when they start using a universal measurement system that allows you to have a single shoe size that works for any shoe.

What did you want to be when you were little?  For the longest time, I wanted to be a teacher. Now, I don’t think I could imagine being a teacher at all.

What is your favorite flower?  Roses or fuschias

Do you have any tattoos?  yes, three and counting

What are you listening to right now?  9 News at 8, soon to be 9 News at 9

What was the last thing you ate?  A bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Razzmatazz. Look it up.

Favorite color? Silver. And I’m tired of people telling me, “that’s not a color!” or “that’s an element!” So what.

How is the weather right now?  77 degrees and sunny

This is where the question about my favorite band would be, but I took it out. There’s no way I can even start answering that in any short way.

Last person you talked to on the phone?  My dad

Favorite soda?  Dr. Pepper. But I’m a tea addict by nature, so I haven’t had Dr. Pepper for quite some time. I usually ditch it for Raspberry Iced Tea when given the opportunity.

Favorite restaurant?  HuHot Mongolian Grill

Hair color?  Brown

Chocolate or vanilla?  Chocolate

Coffee or tea?  Tea!

What is under your bed?  Some shoes, an old laptop, probably my cat

What did you do last night?  Worked

What are you afraid of?  That one day, I will not have as much motivation to produce artwork as I do now.

Salty or sweet?  Sweet. Unless it’s popcorn with candy in it. Then both.

How many keys are on your key ring?  Again, who chose these questions?  Four.

How many years at your current job? At one job, 3 years. At the other, almost 2 months.

How many towns have you lived in?  Just one.

Xbox or Playstation? I have an Xbox 360 and a PS2. I’m non-partisan.

Favorite appliance?  Seriously? I don’t even know how to answer that…fridge? Sure. Fridge.

Favorite movie? This one’s tough, but I’m going to go with The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. There will probably be a blog post about this later.

Geez I miss those sporadic, nonsensical questions. So come on, let’s have a flashback. Copy and paste it and change your answers, then send it along to all your friends. Or your blogs. Or your friends’ blogs. And feel free to ask any questions that I didn’t answer here. This is the start of getting to know each other. I’m hoping you get to know me through my blog, and I get to know you through yours. Welcome to Forever Building Castles in the AIr.


  1. I would be Robin's Egg Blue. I remember when Crayola came out with that color. It was my favorite crayon.

    When I was really little, I wanted to be a teacher. Or a famous writer. And then in high school, I decided I was going to become a paramedic. And now I'm getting my PhD in theatre so it just goes to show never can tell where you'll end up until you get there.

    Favorite flowers: magnolias and lilacs.

    I'm a tv junkie but my favorite show of all time is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I can pretty much find a Buffy episode that applies to every hard thing I've ever experienced. And when I'm walking alone at night, I pretend I'm a vampire slayer with super powers and it makes me feel less creeped out. It makes me feel more powerful - which, I think, is a great reason to love a fictional character.

    It's only 73 right now but with 90% humidity, it doesn't really matter. I love the moisture but Kyle is so cranky about it. Ha. Maybe not the best time to remind him of my dream to move to the Carolinas and be a southern girl.

    I'm listening to Tom Waits right now. Yes.

    I'm most afraid of wasting my potential...and of Kyle driving in the rain at night. I hate that.

    During the school year, there are six keys on my key ring - house, my car, kyle's car, mailbox, office, and classroom. Kyle hates using my keys because he says they weigh too much and it bothers him. Like...this is a legitimate argument we've had.

    I love a ridiculous amount of music but Green Day will always be my favorite band. They've kind of always been the soundtrack for my love story with Kyle. The first present Kyle bought me was the American Idiot album. I listened to International Superhits on repeat the summer we spent apart. We played Poprocks and Coke at the end of our wedding ceremony. And Kyle's taken me to see them live twice.

    I have lived in nine towns - Song Tan, South Korea. Garland, TX. Manheim, Ferienheim, St. Leon, Hanau, Germany. Aurora, Alamosa, CO. Columbus, OH.

    Last night I worked in the office, organizing and cleaning. It's been a huge, week-long process but I am finally starting to see real progress. I just want a fresh start before school takes off again.

    My favorite movie is Who Framed Roger Rabbit? It was in the movie theater the year I was born which I consider auspicious but besides that, it's just the best, most quotable, most especially awesomest movie ever.

    Thanks, Megan! That was fun!

    1. Elizabeth, you're fantastic and I love your interesting answers!
